GreenRoof Retrofit


Many existing structures are not easily adapted to the standard green roof system that utilizes a growing medium on the roof on top of the roofing material.  These pictures illustrate a method of putting some photosynthetic material between your roof and the Sun using climbing vines that are planted in the soil adjacent to your building. The vines are trained to a support wire that is anchored in the ground on the side of the building. The wire extends up over the roof to an anchor on the other side of the building. Climbing vines are planted near the anchors.  The vine is tied  to the wire as it grows up to the peak of the roof.  The main vines that are tied to the wire remain on the roof throughout the year.  In winter the excess summer growth is pruned back to short stubs off the main vine.  See our HARDWARE page for more details.



This support structure is built of 2” chain link fence posts with 1 3/8″ fence top rail for the horizontal members.





One thought on “GreenRoof Retrofit

  1. As over half of the existing UK building stock was built before any roof insulation was required, it is older buildings that will benefit most from green roofs. The case for retrofitting existing buildings is therefore reviewed and it is found there is strong potential for green roof retrofit in the UK.

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