GreenShade Design Group

GreenShade Design Group                                                                               3/6/09

We design photosynthetic systems that eliminate up to 100% of the heat gain from direct solar radiation on a building or other designated area.

Some of the benefits of these Greenshade systems are:

–       reduces air conditioning cost by 25-70%

–       cools non air conditioned structures

–       increases the reliability of the electric grid through peak demand reduction

–       increases passive survivability

–       installation, operation and maintenance are carbon neutral to carbon negative

Development of demand side resources is essential to future grid reliability.  Historically, demand dictated our supply side management practices. As demand grew, we produced more power to meet that demand.  With the current uncertainties of future fossil energy supplies and increasing environmental concerns from burning fossil fuels, we are entering an era when demand will have to be adjusted to fit the supply. This is the opposite perspective from our historical response.  We will no longer be able to balance the supply/demand equation by simply increasing production.

When we consider grid reliability, using less electricity or producing more electricity has the same effect as we try to stay below the critical level of overload and blackout.   Our country is not prepared to maintain order with large parts of our electric grid down.   We must pursue energy policies that give grid reliability top priority.

We must look at the truth before us. Solar energy is the only income this planet has got and on a human scale, the supply is endless. The excuse that solar and wind will not work because they are intermittent merely points out that energy storage deserves top-level attention for research and development.  Energy storage is a key component of the next form of the electric grid.  When we start to live with battery power we will have the incentive we need to maximize energy savings.

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