Extraterrestrial Influence

If we assume that form follows function is a Universal Truth, then how could people on Earth today function with no sense of income. It does not seem possible that a form that is the current link in a chain of life that goes back some three and a half billion years could fail to distinguish the difference between income and debt. Every bit of tissue that would be classified as being alive takes in raw materials and it takes in energy to breakdown and recombine those materials. Every life form has a strategy to acquire energy and raw materials that has a positive return on investment. No life form lives by expending more energy and raw materials than it takes in. That would be debt. There may be some borrowing along the way but the debt must always be paid. I call those responses that address the need to take in energy and raw materials “the a.1”   Humans have been living for several hundred years as if their binge on hydrocarbon combustion does not create debt, when in fact we have incurred a massive environmental debt.

We have thousands of college professor types that seem to be oblivious to the future that we are creating. They get to enjoy the privileged life style with little production of useful knowledge. There are the rare exceptions that observe and speak the truth, as they are paid to do, but many more who profess the delusion of Modern America, that we can have infinite growth on a finite planet. The notion that there are no limits to growth is unearthly. It would seem to be beyond stupidity and greed. It’s so totally impossible that it must be…. ……Extraterrestrial.

So what conditions would be required to produce an organism with no sense of income?  The environment would have to contain an adequate supply of energy and a constant flow of raw materials. An example of adequate energy would be Venus. With a surface temperature of over eight hundred degrees there is a high level of available energy. It would be possible for a subterranean strata of liquid solution to be energized to a level of chemical activity that would produce the magnetic field that we call consciousness. So let’s assume that Venus has a subterranean pool of liquid that is energized from the heat of the surface. The fluid fills voids in the solid portion of the planet. The liquid must have solvent properties so that there are adequate molecules in solution to react from the heat to produce the magnetic field.

The solution is constantly dissolving the rock material that surrounds it. The constant flow of energy from the surface is powering the reorganization of the various atoms and molecules  and their associated magnetic fields. The Planet Venus can be an organism that has no a.1

The a.1 is Acquisition Of Energy And Raw Materials.

The a.2 is Risk Assessment.

Successful risk assessment is essential to survival but it is trumped by the a.1. It is safer to stay in the back of your cave but then you would starve to death. You have to go out, where there might be lions and tigers, and find something to eat.

We can see that the Venusian influence on Earth is a response to it’s a.2. When the Sun goes into it’s expansion phase, the planet Venus will be vaporized. Survival of the Venusian life form will require moving further away from the Sun. The first step is to move to Earth.

…….. Is Global Warming a reproductive act by the planetary consciousness of  Venus ?

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