BIO-TERRORISM ALERT -THE OWS FLU                                12/06/11

Sources inside the Department of Homeland Security reveled off the record that Secretary Janet Napolitano has directed the FDA to fast track the anti-viral vaccine currently being developed in response to the continuing out break of the H9N11 virus. The National Defense Authorization Act shifted the jurisdiction over medical response to bio-terrorism to the Sec. of DHS in 2011. From recent reports there have been over ten thousand deaths attributed to the virus. Anti-viral medications have produced mixed results against the infections.

In a statement from Sec. Napolitano released yesterday she said,” This new pandemic is a blatant attack on our nation by bio-terrorists.  As a first priority it is vital that we act immediately to protect our law enforcement and military personnel from this deadly crippling disease. They must come in contact with infected individuals as they carry out their duty to protect the public. We must protect our protectors”.  Sec. Napolitano announced that 38 more quarantine      centers are being prepared in addition to the 27 now in operation throughout the country. Unofficial reports estimate that less than 500,000 infected individuals are currently being treated in the quarantine centers.

White House sources indicate that President Obama is considering an executive order limiting assemblies of more than three individuals. It is also reported that a mandatory vaccination order is under consideration. Military personnel will assist the police in the enforcement of these orders.

It is estimated that several million Americans are now infected with the virus which has an array of preliminary symptoms. Unlike many influenza viruses that affect the respiratory system and cause general pain throughout the body, the H9N11 virus attacks the central nervous system with often devastating affects on the brain. Victims of the virus are often delusional and exhibit various erratic behaviors. One of the most prevalent is the belief that their government has been corrupted and is now working to enslave them, hence the common reference to the OWS FLU. Other delusions often exhibited by the infected victims are such beliefs that so called “natural foods” are more healthy than foods that have been properly processed and that life saving vaccines are a plot to cripple otherwise healthy people so they will be better pharmaceutical consumers. A general “over concern” with health is very common among the infected. The psychotic delusional phase of the disease has been followed by a period of lethargy, coma and death. The majority of fatalities have been isolated to the infected, in the quarantine facilities, that failed to respond to the anti-viral therapy. Secretary Napolitano is asking all Americans to be on the alert for individuals that exhibit these delusional symptoms and to contact law enforcement authorities with any information.











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