Zombie Apocalypse Mitigation

mit·i·gate :   transitive verb  : to make (something) less severe, harmful, or painful

Actions in the present have consequences in the future.  If we look at the rising debt in the U.S., both individually and collectively, it appears that this universal truth is being ignored.  Our current culture does not recognize the difference between debt and income.  We have taken a bunch of the Earth’s resources and turned it into stuff and called it economic growth.  We have ignored the fact that the process of creating that stuff has incurred a debt in our environment. As Nature moves to collect on that debt we can expect changes in our world that will not necessarily be “human friendly”.  Here on Zombie Apocalypse Mitigation (ZAM) we will offer products, information and practices that can help make these changes “less severe,harmful or painful”.

Less refugees is better.



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